
Time of the Year

Affiliate marketing is a ever changing dangerous beast that requires constant attention. From what I've seen there is no auto button that once you reach a certain point your 'done' with your website or marketing plan. Thanks to competition there is always something that needs to be done to keep your site at the top of the SERP's and revenue constantly flowing. Ultimately maintaining or growing business performance requires constant attention.

Keeping traffic is a different topic altogether, however keeping the revenue flowing from your existing traffic requires change with the seasons. I'm sure all of you, including myself, enjoyed increased sales ending 06, due to the holidays. But now we've got a fresh year and a new plan, possibly product, we need to focus on.

Do testing, find what product does best at which part of the year. Test, retest, placement change, etc until you find it works. Again, no auto button and what may have worked the end of 06 may not be true today.

Good luck to a successful 07 and may we all grow together!

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