
Pepper Jam Network inText Ads Beta

No matter how experienced of an affiliate you are, a good affiliate is constantly looking for new tools to increase conversion. The most recent tool that I've found to help increase revenue is the PepperJam Network inText Ads, which works in conjunction with the eBay affiliate program.

Essentially the PJN inText Ads provide java script that you insert into any web page. This will then convert a set amount of keywords into hot links, that bring up a eBay listing popup. The popup includes a specific keyword item, along with similar searches in a small thumbnail preview.

The PJN inText ads are very similar to what's already been used and developed by Vibrant Media and Kontera. So far feedback looks positive and appears to be a great way to help monetize pages with a lot of text, such as blogs, and wiki pages.

Time will tell if it becomes a viable competitor to software like BANS and phpBay. Currently I have a case study in the works and intend to provide my findings over at

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