
Adsense is Affiliating

Apparently American Chronicle has a very lax definition for 'affiliate'. Their latest article compares Affiliate Marketing to Adsense, placing google as the medium for merchants.

Although there is some basis for their argument, Adsense is not affiliating. The first difference that sets Affiliating apart from being a publisher for Adsense is the fixed earnings. Adsense contextual ads fluctuate in how much you earn per click, due to a number of undisclosed factors.

Affiliating will produce the same results over and over for completing a specific action. For example, if you sell one magazine subscription you will receive $10. This example is true no matter what your pages content is, where the traffic comes from, your page rank, or any other variable.

The American Chronicle article does lead us to the goal, earning revenue. So, I encourage you to see what works best for you. I've seen Adsense whizz's make jack squat at affiliating and likewise for the opposite and it all boils down to knowing your audience.

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