
BlogKits Bought Out

Forge Corporation, LTD. has acquired Blogkits with a motive to bring advertisers and bloggers together. The union has been created with the best intentions, but will all end well?

There are already a number of services available that allow advertisers to work directly with bloggers. Blogitive and PayPerPost are a few that allow advertisers to make offers to bloggers in an attempt to gain linkage and market their products. This directly conflicts with the ideal that blogging is all about, unique opinions and owners own thoughts.

When big corporate is finally able to control a large amount of bloggers, it's essentially muddying the blog gene pool, so to speak(Please allow for improper grammar). There are no longer unique opinions ruling the blogosphere, but whoever has the most money gets the most buzz.

This is one affiliate venture I hope takes a nose dive and at the least does not become wide spread.

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