
Free Keyword Analysis and Ranking Tool

I am constantly finding tools that are freely available to replace even the best paid versions. Freeware programs may take a few more steps to get the same outcome as paid programs, but hey, I'm cheap. Also, if you do any work online for yourself you know that your time is probably worth nothing. ;) My latest search has found a tool that has been around for quite some time, it's called Good Keywords, and it is great.

Good Keywords is a program that runs locally on your PC and offers a ton of functions. Provides countless misspellings, keyword suggestions, keyword traffic analysis, on page rankings, and even more. Furthermore the program is light weight, ad free, completely freeware, and WORKS.

Below is a quick list of what Good Keywords provides:

Keyword Phrase Builder

Version 2.0 now includes a keyword phrase builder to create hundreds of new keyword phrases from your own word sets.

Misspelled Word Generator

Type in a keyword and generate all possible misspellings for that keyword with a single click. You can also configure the misspelling generator to generate keywords based on different criteria (like keyword proximity error, missed character, double character entry, etc.)

Web Page Explorer

Use web page explorer to study web pages including keyword density. Use direct http access or a built-in internal browser to obtain the web page contents.

I use and love it and just can't believe I've went this long without finding it. It's also helped with my PPC campaigns, when finding long tail keywords, or even better yet bidding on misspelled keywords. This is a non-paid post, so this is coming straight from the heart that you owe it to yourself to start using this free program. If you find a better one, please let me know.

Visit Good Keyword Home Page

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