
What Affiliate Product is right for you?

Deciding what products to market is probably one of the most difficult parts of becoming an affiliate. PPC (Pay Per Click) programs like Google Adsense make it easy because their ads are contextual. Contextual advertising merely requires entering code and the ads become relevant to the rest of the content on your site. Affiliate programs require you, the site owner, to select a product to advertise.

To elaborate, if your blog is about traveling, no need in necessarily to become an affiliate for magazine subscriptions. It would make more sense to market a product such as travel agency services, travel gear, or products that a traveller would be likely to purchase.

For example, using the FHM magazine affiliate placement above, only viewers interested in Men's topics would be likely to purchase a subscrption. Likewise, I will only be paid if a visitor clicks on the ad and then continues to purchase a product from the site.

Becoming familiar with your target audience and knowing their spending habits will benefit you in the long run. Having an audience of teenage kids would not net you a lot of revenue, if you were an affiliate for Realtors. Keep these things in mind, even if they pay a little more, doesn't mean that you will be reaping the benefits. Remember, your typically not paid for clicks, but only for purchases.

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