
Automatically Update Twitter With WordPress

Twitter is great for followers, but not so great if you are already to busy to even drop 140 characters in a clean submit box. So, to kill two birds with one stone I've begun using a plugin for WordPress that automatically updates twitter with my latest blog post and a TinyURL link back to my blog. This is not my only method of twittering, but it helps fill in a lot of gaps where I'm busy working and not busy updating my Twitter profile.


This is the plugin I'm using on two of my blogs to update Twitter. There are plenty of options with TweetSuite, including built in widgets to add to your blog, automatic twittering via blog posts, and the ability to add 'ReTweet This' to the bottom of posts.

Tweet Suite Home Page
Download TweetSuite

Active bloggers and not-so-active Twitees should check out this handy WordPress plugin. It's free to download and free to use. And, if you aren't using Twitter yet, and you are an affiliate marketer, you are stupid. That is all.

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