
Affiliating Nonsense

Pending legislation, it's possible you can be busted for affiliating gambling sites. I've touched on this notion before, but not to the extent that our friends over at 5 Star Affiliates have. Citing that it's possible for law enforcement to freeze assets, shut down your site, and possibly even face stiffer fines.

There is a fine line when promoting gambling in the United States and as such is gray area right now. Probably the most notable experience was when the Travel channel was advertising The federal government seized all the money that was paid to the Travel channel to do those advertisements.

You may notice that instead of advertising the Travel Channel now advertises is a free, no money exchanging hands, Texas Hold'em game. It's massively online multiplayer is attractive to those who are wanting to 'practice' their game. However, whenever they are ready to step it up and gamble real money, they are directed to This is how the Travel Channel now gets away with advertising for a gambling site.

Just a word of warning and make sure you are uptodate with all the legal procedings. The last thing you want to happen would to have all your assets taken away after you have made your affiliate so much money.

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